Welcome to the March 2025 Question and Answer video! I’m Tabitha, and together we explore believing God—truly believing what He said without the lens of man's traditions. I am the author of Becoming Believers, A Book For Christian About Believing God, which will be available soon on Amazon, or you can read it right here on Substack!
I am also a faith-based growth coach. I walk with people through challenging and vulnerable times to discover what God calls them to for peace, freedom, direction, and lasting transformation. For more info, use this button:
A few weeks ago, I tackled “Can a Christian…” insert the blank. One of the examples I used was YOGA, which I love to do because it’s a trigger for Christians. It’s a desire to shake people out of old thinking and ask, “Is that true?!” and then FIND OUT if it is according to the Word. If you’d like to watch that video here it is:
After that video, I received a thoughtful question from one of you, which we explored in today’s video.
Scripture from today:
Deuteronomy 6:5 and Matthew 22:37
Galatians 5:1
1 Corinthians 10:23
James 1:17
Romans 8
John 14:12
Mark 16:17-18
Philippians 3:12-14
Leave it in the comments, reply directly to the email, or use this button to drop it 100% anonymously in my Google Form! I want all the questions! Hard, easy, simple, silly - anything goes! But you gotta ask if you want to hear it answered in a video!
Thanks for being here, guys; I do this because of you. Without you, there’s no point to any of this. Being a subscriber is amazingly encouraging to me, and for paid subscribers - HATS OFF. You are how I keep it all running! Thank you! If you haven’t thought about it before, consider upgrading for full access to everything I publish here on Substack and to support the time and money it takes to do all of this.
Until next time my lovelies!
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PPS: Leave your questions!
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