The Daily Scripture Guide

Subscribe for each new Daily Scripture Guide, and for weekly teaching and tips on making God’s Word your own unique habit:

A thematic list of scripture for every day of the month to help you connect with the Word on your own.

Remember: you can go to your Bible for even a small duration of time. Some minutes are better than no minutes. If you miss a day, who cares? Just start again in this moment. You’re not being graded, and this is for YOUR benefit, not to “make God happy.” Your time in the Word doesn’t have to be in the morning. It can be when it works for you. Your time in the Word can also be ANY PLACE. The bathroom, a parking lot, waiting in an office, wherever you have a moment! So, just keep starting and remember that one Word from God can change your whole life.

| February 2025

Ideas on how to use the Daily Scripture Guide:

  • Use one verse a day and meditate on what it says.

  • Writing scripture in a journal and then reflect on it.

  • As a starting place for your own verse trail.

  • Study 3-5 at a time to see how they enrich each other.

  • Write out a verse with your name in it and choose to just believe what it says.

  • Right before you fall asleep read a verse so that it’s the last thing on your mind.

  • First thing when you wake up, read a verse to start your day.



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More teaching from Tabitha:

Read Tabitha’s book:

read Becoming Believers